
张贴在 回收

bg视讯是 proud to support Mayor Bloomberg’s leadership in expanding 回收 in NYC with the launch of "Recycle Everything."

In 2006, the City created bg视讯’s Office of 回收 Outreach and 教育 to assist their ambitious goals to divert more waste from disposal. 是否推广纺织, 电子垃圾, and increased plastics 回收 or working with the Department of Sanitation to establish organics 回收 programs like those happening at Morningside Gardens (where this week’s press conference took place), bg视讯很高兴能成为纽约市努力的一部分. The "Recycle Everything" ad campaign launched and the expansion of the City’s organic food waste 回收 program shows how far New York has come in managing the 11,每天产生的废物达1000吨. 在一起, these initiatives will help double our 回收 rate by 2017 and reduce the amount of trash sent to landfills.

bg视讯 was proud to help establish the Morningside Heights organics collection and will promote the City’s Recycle Everything campaign in its education outreach across the five boroughs.



张贴在 回收

自2007年以来, bg视讯’s Office of 回收 Outreach and 教育 has been hosting community swap events to reduce waste and engage residents in the practice of reuse.  停止' N ' Swap® helps keep good things out of the landfill by bringing together people with good things they no longer need and those who can use those items.  到目前为止,bg视讯已经举办了47次互换,为近1.2万名纽约人提供服务.  加入了两名新员工致力于bg视讯的停止' N '交换计划, bg视讯的目标是大幅增加参与这些活动的机会.  认识一下TK zeller和Carl-Harry Nau, the team working to bring a swap to each of the city’s 59 Community Districts each year. 


CHN: At a Stop ‘N’ Swap you have a diverse group of people show up all looking for something new to add to their life. Interacting with the folks at the swap is fun because you get a sense of who they are and why they are here, 我可以看到很酷的新东西. 

TKZ: 告诉那些从未听说过Stop ' N ' swap的人它们是什么以及bg视讯在做什么.  总会有难以置信的时刻, 有时要说服人们相信这一点是需要一些时间的, 例如, 这是完全免费的!’,但最后和我交谈的每个人都对交换感到印象深刻、高兴和兴奋!  我甚至得到了一些击掌,还有一个拥抱. 


CHN: I grew up in a house with two brothers and both my parents working their tails off to pay rent. 所以说衣服之类的东西是安全的, 手机, 视频游戏, 玩具从一个孩子传给另一个孩子.  我甚至拿走了一些朋友们不再想要的东西. 重复使用是第二天性.

TKZ: 我一直喜欢把东西重新利用起来,让它更有创意.   16岁之前,我送给别人的每一份礼物都是用旧纸手工制作的, cans, 瓶子和管道胶带. 我的艺术天赋从来没有达到我的期望, 但心意才是最重要的, 不管丑不丑, 那个汽水罐相框没有被垃圾冲走!

What are some of the reactions you get when bringing a swap to a community for the first time? 
People usually ask whether we’ll be back the next week, or when we will return to the neighborhood.  Swaps receive a warm reception from those who grasp the concept of what we do and they also conjure feelings of regret by those who pass by and realize what they missed out on.

Does the swap change from neighborhood to neighborhood, or is it relatively consistent?

CHN: 我注意到交换的物品从一个位置到另一个位置都在变化. 有些地区有更多的书, 其他人则有更多的家居用品, 有些地区有更多的童装.

Stop ' N ' Swap的志愿者非常了不起.  是什么让他们继续前进?  你会在比赛前做伸展运动吗? 

CHN: 我想说的是,bg视讯有一个很棒的工作人员,在每次活动中与志愿者一起工作. The staff leads by example and takes an “All Hands On Deck” approach during all aspects of the event. We also care for the opinions and concerns of our volunteers and take care to assign them to appropriate tasks. 我得说拉伸是个不错的主意!   

TKZ: bg视讯还没有想出一个停止' N '交换健美操热身程序, but we do make sure to supply everyone with plenty of food and coffee before and after.  我认为一个很大的动力是互换能带来多少乐趣.  你永远不知道你会在排序表中找到什么, 即兴时装秀和“这是什么”猜谜游戏也很常见.  Everyone manages to have a good time while helping hundreds of people find a new home for thousands of pounds of good, 可重用的东西. 


CHN: At our Upper West Side swap I spoke with a woman who came to gather items for her friends at a nursing home. She said that she had the ability to leave the facility and she knew that the others would have relished the opportunity to attend.  Later I was asked by someone from the neighborhood what items people like to take at swaps and I told her sometimes people come looking for items to help others, 比如那个从养老院来的女人.  At that point I created a connection between them and the lady who lived in the area left and returned with 6 new walkers, 哪个是发给养老院的人的. 


CHN: 我希望他们明白,他们拥有的一切都是有价值的, 即使他们可能不再需要这个物品,其他人也可以使用它.  I hope the joy people get from the items they find encourages them to continue to participate and bring their unwanted items so that they can have a second life.

TKZ: 除了几磅重复使用的物品, 我希望人们在离开Stop ' N ' swap时,能对重用产生新的尊重, 还有一种好奇心,想要了解更多关于减少使用和浪费的知识.  有很多资源可以帮助人们找到重新定位的方法, repair, 回收或再利用任何bg视讯可能会浪费的东西.  bg视讯和Stop ' N ' Swaps是一个很好的开始!


张贴在 Greenmarket

周三, July 17, Greenmarket将迎来37周年庆, bg视讯会一直狂欢到晚上 联合广场绿色市场有史以来第一个夜市. 在与曼哈顿区长斯科特·M. 斯金格的办公室, 还有超过15家附近的餐馆, the market will offer the same great summer bounty customers have come to love and rely on through the decades, 在准备好的食物旁边, 布鲁克林蓝毒蛇乐队的现场音乐和布鲁克林啤酒厂提供的啤酒.

Watermelon are officially in season, as are green beans, corn, okra, peaches and apricots. Fill your shopping bags and dine on summer fare while reveling under the stars at this Manhattan institution.




P.S. 154皇后赢得大电梯回收比赛

张贴在 环境教育 |标记 回收冠军

今年春天,bg视讯的 回收冠军计划 held a 回收 contest amongst schools in the program to see which school could achieve the highest 回收 rates. 22 schools participated in the six-week long "Big Lift"– where schools once weekly weighed the 回收 and trash from classrooms, offices, 还有自助餐厅. P.S. 皇后区的154号是大奖得主! P.S. 154家公司的回收率提高了268%,垃圾量减少了46%. 其他获奖者包括:P.S. 29 Brooklyn and the High School for Law and Public Service in Manhattan which improved 回收 rates by 146% and 88% respectively. P.S. 布朗克斯25号的总回收率为47%,金属、塑料和纸箱的回收率为20%.

由于其出色的回收率,P.S. 154Q赢得了价值2000元的学校绿化套餐! The prize included tree mulching, park benches made from recycled plastic and a new school garden. 6月25日, students and faculty worked alongside staff from bg视讯 to construct the school garden and assist with tree mulching. For many students, it was their first experience with hands-on landscaping and gardening. Students filled the bed with top soil and planted a number of perennials and herbs that will attract butterflies. 除了美化学校, 8英尺× 3英尺的高床由回收木材制成, will serve as a valuable educational tool for students to learn about the natural environment.




