Affordable Eats Cooking Demos

November 2, 2015

Who doesn't like a delicious dinner done for a dime? 在当地的绿色市场省钱吃饭并不一定会让你倾家荡产. At bg视讯, bg视讯很自豪能够为纽约市的社区提供新鲜的, healthy and local fruits, veggies, dairy, baked goods, meats and more. 这个假日季节,bg视讯让顾客可以轻松地为二人或二十人制作美味又实惠的菜肴! 
每周一中午开始,在联合广场的绿色市场,bg视讯会有特别的烹饪示范,bg视讯称之为“平价饮食”. 这是一个绿色市场系列,解决了那些在固定预算下为家人提供健康膳食的购物者的担忧. After visiting the market for an Affordable Eats demo, shoppers will come away with a host of ideas for simple, 市场上新鲜实惠的饭菜平均在2美元左右.50 per serving. With the holiday season fast approaching, bg视讯知道,许多购物者都很清楚自己的每一块钱都花在了哪里. 让bg视讯通过挑选食材让您轻松烹饪晚餐, 强调低成本,并提供如何准备它的说明. bg视讯可以帮你在不掏空钱包的情况下提升你的盘子!



June 7, 2012
Posted in Greenmarket | Tagged ebt, union square
Marcel Van Ooyen, Executive Director of bg视讯, 欢迎参议员陆天娜和其他反饥饿倡导者来到联合广场.

On Monday, the Union Square Greenmarket 接待了纽约州参议员陆天娜和马塞尔·范·乌因, executive director of bg视讯, 以及包括厨师汤姆·科利奇奥和乔尔·伯格在内的反饥饿倡导者, 纽约市反饥饿联盟的执行主任. 参议员宣布引入她对2012年农业法案提出的修正案, challenging the $4.在未来十年削减50亿美元的食品券.

“这个农业法案不仅仅是一组深奥的数字. 这在很大程度上与bg视讯所做的有关经济增长的决定有关, regarding our agriculture industries, 以及bg视讯对处于危险中的家庭的道德义务," said Senator Gillibrand. “食品券是一项非凡的投资,因为你投入SNAP计划的每一美元, you get out $1.71. Under the current bill, 纽约家庭每月将损失约90美元的食品券, which means in the third week of the month, many families’ children will go to school hungry. It also means less food on a kitchen table for children. 我非常担心这对bg视讯的影响,以及bg视讯将如何应对."

As Greenmarket shoppers know, Food Stampsbg视讯绿色市场项目的重要组成部分吗. 90% of our markets accept EBT/Food Stamps, 确保所有纽约人都能吃到健康的本地食物, 这些美元为绿色市场的农民提供了重要的收入来源. Since 2007, 城市周围的蔬菜市场已经看到了电子利益转帐卡在市场上的销售额稳步增长.

"Over the course of the last five years, bg视讯's EBT initiative has resulted in $1.每年给农民带来5300万美元的收入,估计能产生200万美元的收入.根据美国农业部的数据,该地区的经济活动达到了800万美元," said Marcel Van Ooyen, Executive Director of bg视讯. “自2007年以来,在bg视讯的绿色市场上消费的EBT美元呈指数级增长,这表明所有纽约人对新鲜食品的需求不断增长, healthy food. By providing access to the freshest food available, 农贸市场食品券项目在控制饮食相关疾病方面发挥着重要作用, 确保所有公民拥有更健康的生活方式,同时支持区域农业. 削减食品券计划的提议对农民来说意味着毁灭性的损失, 以及那些最需要帮助的家庭."

Read the full press release from the event, 看看下面的视频,参议员吉利布兰德昨天在参议院介绍了她的修正案.

Joel Salatin at Union Sq on Wed, Nov 2

October 21, 2011
Posted in Greenmarket | Tagged union square

联合广场绿色市场将邀请著名作家乔尔·萨拉廷免费提问&A and book signing at the Union Square Pavilion on Wednesday, November 2nd, from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM.

你们可以从他在 Food Inc. or The Omnivore’s Dilemma, will be signing copies of his new book, Folks, This Ain’t Normal. He was recently profiled in Time Magazine.

Solar ovens in Union Square

May 25, 2011

This afternoon, 参加bg视讯环境教育项目的青少年正在联合广场的绿色市场用他们的披萨盒太阳能烤箱做饭. One oven went above 200 degrees!

Halloween & Candy Apples

November 1, 2010
Posted in Greenmarket | Tagged halloween, kids, union square

On Saturday, 联合广场(Union Square)的市场购物者尽情享用特休恩果园(Terhune orchard)捐赠的苹果糖, Locust Grove, and Migliorelli Farms and candied by Deb Gavito, owner of Body and Soul Bakery.

Thanks to our wonderful Greenmarket volunteers, who were painting faces and distributing apples all day.

Pumpkin Carving at Union Square

October 25, 2010
Posted in Greenmarket | Tagged halloween, union square

来自“疯狂南瓜雕刻师”的马克·埃文和克里斯·索里亚周六来到联合广场的绿色市场,雕刻了两个150磅重的南瓜. Amazing!

这些当地种植的食尸鬼葫芦将在市场上展出一周,所以不妨过来看看. Sugar pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, 从现在到感恩节,大多数蔬菜市场都可以买到装饰南瓜.

Carlo Petrini at Union Square

October 15, 2010
Posted in Greenmarket | Tagged union square


Left to Right: Jim Buccheri of Wild Hive Farm, Mike Yezzi of Flying Pigs Farm, Beth Linksey of Beth’s Farm Kitchen, Carlo Petrini, Founder of Slow Food, and Don Lewis of Wild Hive Farm.


Carlo Petrini, founder of the International Slow Food Movement, 昨天参观了联合广场,与前往意大利的绿色市场代表交谈 Terra Madre next week.

Muppets take the market!

August 19, 2010
Posted in Greenmarket | Tagged cute, kids, union square

周二,联合广场的绿色市场迎来了另一位绿色游客:《bg视讯》(Sesame Street)的罗西塔·拉·蒙斯特鲁瓦·德·拉斯·奎瓦斯(Rosita la Monstrua de las Cuevas), the first bilingual muppet, 顺便去诺维奇梅多斯的摊位教孩子们健康饮食.

Photo by Serious Eats.

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